Monday, May 19, 2008

What is a Flip Flop

When a person changes their opinion with no changes in the information used to determine an opinion. So, I am not going to accuse someone of being a flip-flopper when they change their opinion based on new evidence.
A partial flip-flop is when someone makes an opinion or takes action based on underlying philosophy and later changes their action/opinion but not the underlying philosophical stance. A good example of this is BARACK OBAMA stance on public funding and the evils of being beholden to givers of large donations. After he built network of over 1.5 million small donors he seems to have opted out of public funding of the general campaign. So, this is a partial flip-flop.
Maybe someone could suggest a better name?

A BIG FAT LIE is when a person won't own up to their flip-flopping. This seems to be the case with MCCAIN and "dealing with" Hamas.

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