Friday, June 27, 2008

Joint FISA Flip Flopping

Some background:

I understand the FISA law must be brought into the internet age but I do not see how any red blooded American can vote for a bill that lets the government take away our freedoms and liberty.

I agree with the ACLU on this one.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

OffSHore Drilling - Good Idea all of a sudden

Thanks to The Huffington Post for this source of John McCain "late May" position

"[W]ith those resources, which would take years to develop, you would only postpone or temporarily relieve our dependency on fossil fuels," McCain said when asked about offshore drilling. "We are going to have to go to alternative energy, and the exploitation of existing reserves of oil, natural gas, even coal, and we can develop clean coal technology, are all great things. But we also have to devote our efforts, in my view, to alternative energy sources, which is the ultimate answer to our long-term energy needs, and we need it sooner rather than later."
"I believe it is time for the federal government to lift these restrictions and to put our own reserves to use," he said on Tuesday, "as a matter of fairness to the American people, and a matter of duty for our government, we must deal with the here and now, and assure affordable fuel for America by increasing domestic production."

This is a very big flip=flop because Sen. McCain has been known as a greener Republican. Now this is just pure political pandering like the gas tax rebate.
It is also simular to the gas tax rebate in that only the big oil companies will see any benefit.

Listen to Barack on off shore drilling.

My own opinion:
I think the oil is like a long term investment. Someday, maybe soon, people will realize it is much to valuable to be used just to burn (as in heating and combustion engines). So, ujntil then, let's keep it safe under the sea.
If it had been drilled years ago it would be gone.

First we need to solve the long term problem and our incompetent government cannot seem to solve any problems unless they are faced with a crises. So, save the oil to be used as an ingredient for value added products and solve the "gas" problem with alternatives and conservation.
Big Oil:
When the time comes we should hire one big oil company to manage/oversee the drilling and sub-contract others to do the work. The USA should take the profits and use them to help pay off the war debt (or something everyone would be proud of).
Save the Planet
Might as well note that the big elephant in the room is not
$4 dollar gas prices but our actual planet is about to suicide itself because of human carelessness.

Friday, June 13, 2008

McCain Flipping on When Troops can Come Home from Iraq

"McCain Should Know Better" Commentary by Olbermann
pokes fun at Sen. McCain flip-flopping about Iraq/Troops Coming Home:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

OBAMA Flips on Insiders in Campaign: Jackson's Mortgage

The problem is reported by the WSKJ here:

basically, James Johnson an adviser to Sen. Barack Obama's campaign,got a 6.375% loan when the market average loan was 6.2%!! And two other loans 5.25% when 6.2% and 3,875% when 4.3%.

Obama's answer is here:
Quote is heart of the answer: "He said that he would not perform a thorough scrub of all of those assigned to perform specific tasks for his campaign.

“This is a game that can be played, everybody who is tangentially related to our campaign is going to have a whole host of relationships,” he said, responding to criticism of Mr. Johnson’s ties to Countrywide from Senator John McCain and the Republican National Committee. “I’d have to hire a vetter to vet the vetters.”"

I have to agree with Obama on this one. What is the guy to do? But also
the basic principle is that he does not want people in his government that owe something to anyone except the Americans. In this case the people that need vetting are the VEEP candidates not the VETTErs as they, so far, are not part of the government.

Meanwhile, I got to say that even a person working for the FANNIE MAE is entitled to get a mortgage and the best deals he got was after he left FANNIE MAY. THe first loan was probably typcial for people in his financial risk situation.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

McCain in New Orleans: Katrina Support Flop

June 3rd, 2008 in New Orleans Sen. MCCAIN said he was always a great supporter of the Hurricane Katrina victims but here is his press release from a week afterward (immediately before and during he was busy with BUSH celebrating his birthday):

Senators McCain and Coburn Call on Congress to Make Sacrifices to Fund Hurricane Relief Effort

September 6, 2005

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) issued the following joint statement today calling on Congress to “lead by example” by cutting back on pork-barrel and other unnecessary spending to help fund the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

“Hurricane Katrina is one of the worst national tragedies in our history. Whenever our nation experiences a tragedy Americans come together and make sacrifices to help their neighbors. Individual Americans who are donating their time and money and opening their homes to evacuees are reminding us what sacrificing means. Sacrificing means giving up something you want in order give someone else something they need.”

“If Congress wants to inspire the American people to continue to make sacrifices we need to be making sacrifices of our own. The costs of the recovery and relief effort will be enormous. Congress must do all that is necessary to fund essential relief and recovery efforts and help those in need. However, to the extent that it is possible, we should pay for this effort now rather than pass on even more debt to future generations.”

“Members of Congress should, at least temporarily, deny themselves a few of the comforts of political office and refrain from directing tax dollars to special projects in their states that might help their political campaigns but not necessarily the country as a whole. In the past year Congress has found a way to fund thousands of projects of questionable merit. Perhaps a few of those dollars could have been better spent on activities that might have limited the impact of this tragedy.”

“Congress should be asking hard questions of every agency involved in the relief effort but first we should ask ourselves hard questions. We should lead by example and give up a few of the things we want in order to give hurricane victims the things they need.”

Behind the nice political sound bites the gist of his message is that he is worried that to much support for victims will spoil the budget (unlike the trillion dollar war that should never have been authorized and never have been waged).