Tuesday, June 10, 2008

OBAMA Flips on Insiders in Campaign: Jackson's Mortgage

The problem is reported by the WSKJ here:

basically, James Johnson an adviser to Sen. Barack Obama's campaign,got a 6.375% loan when the market average loan was 6.2%!! And two other loans 5.25% when 6.2% and 3,875% when 4.3%.

Obama's answer is here:
Quote is heart of the answer: "He said that he would not perform a thorough scrub of all of those assigned to perform specific tasks for his campaign.

“This is a game that can be played, everybody who is tangentially related to our campaign is going to have a whole host of relationships,” he said, responding to criticism of Mr. Johnson’s ties to Countrywide from Senator John McCain and the Republican National Committee. “I’d have to hire a vetter to vet the vetters.”"

I have to agree with Obama on this one. What is the guy to do? But also
the basic principle is that he does not want people in his government that owe something to anyone except the Americans. In this case the people that need vetting are the VEEP candidates not the VETTErs as they, so far, are not part of the government.

Meanwhile, I got to say that even a person working for the FANNIE MAE is entitled to get a mortgage and the best deals he got was after he left FANNIE MAY. THe first loan was probably typcial for people in his financial risk situation.

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