Saturday, October 25, 2008

Great Interview


I just watched your interview with Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

You were obviously asking questions straight out of John McCain's talking points.
It is esp. important for Local TV News in this changing world of journalism to be non-partisan and hold the publics trust. People now have
a great choice of where to go for news. It is impossible for your station to compete if people decide you are not fair and trustworthy.
Studies show this is true even for most of the people that agree with you!
How does it serve your customers and advertisers to fling outrageous "when did you stop hitting your wife" type questions at Joe Biden or any other public servant? All the info on ACORN even an intern can lookup at (it is complete non-issue and meant to distract people from real issues) and the tax policy OBAMA supports is essentially the same one MCCAIN supported in 2001 and 2003.
Since when is progressive tax Marxist? Have not the people of your community seen real wages go down? Have not you noticed that the
top dogs in corporate America's boardrooms have been voting each other larger and larger salaries and other compensation?

When OBAMA campaign accepted your invitation to interview I am sure they expected professional behavior on the behalf of your station.
You probably know of the great difference in number and range of interviews between BIDEN and PALIN. You should feel thankful for the
chance to have an interview and used this opportunity for yourself and your community to ask original questions with local spin. Certainly in
this age of great challenges in the economy, global warming (that affects FL directly), international stress in almost every continent (Russia, Iran, N. Korea, China emerging, Africa and S. America). plus 2 wars.
Your chance to make news yourself!! You blew it on ACORN?

You could have asked a general question about voter registration and suppression in light of the 2000 FL election problems.
ACORN has been around since 1970 and is not an evil organization out to fraud America with Micky Mouse voters. They
are trying to "get out the vote" for class of Americans that are under represented at the polls. This organization and mission has been
praised by non other than John McCain. They pay people by the hour and do not pay people to commit voter registration fraud.
A small number of the people for whatever reason summit these phony registrants. This has nothing to do with voter fraud but is
easily confused with voter fraud (See Sean Hannitty).
Obama's links to ACORN are old (nothing this year) and honorable.

This whole story is targeted at uneducated people trying to confuse them about OBAMA - you have a "Master Degree" (in what?) so
how did you get fooled into going down this path?

Meanwhile, a real issue this year and esp. in FLORIDA will be voter suppression. Many thousands of people , Republicans and Democrats,
will be denied chance to vote for various reasons - some innocent and some not. These are actual VOTERS. Not funny names
filled in on registration forms just to make it look like Joe the Acorn was "working" when they were actually goofing off.

You could do your customers and fellow citizens a favor and make sure the real news focus on this real problem.

I hope this helps give some perspective.

Gene McPhail

McCain and Taxes for the Rich

What is so flip-floppy about the Joe PLUMBER stupidness is that Sen. and "Mavorick" John McCain was against the BUSH tax cuts!

McCain was one of two Republican senators to vote against a $1.35 trillion tax cut that Bush proposed in 2001. McCain also voted against similar plans in 2003, as well as a proposed repeal of the federal estate tax.
McCain said they disproportionately benefited the wealthy.
I think he meant they spread the wealth to the wealthy to much.

Because he not only flipped but now used divisive language and fear tactics to discuss this policy disagreement.

The New Hampshire polls are a great "Mavorick Detector".
If you have never actually seen the conversation between Joe and OBAMA here it is:

Youngs Turks take on Joe the Plumber vs Sarah Palin's clothes.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John McCain was for ACORN before he was against ACORN

Maude Hurd, of ACORN, responding to McCain's ACORN attack ads:

”For almost a decade, ACORN, a community organization of 400,000 families in neighborhoods across the country, has been fighting against the predatory lending practices that have robbed our members of their homes, destabilized neighborhoods, and roiled the global economy.”

“In his newest ad, John McCain’s campaign bizarrely claims, “ACORN forced banks to issue risky home loans, the same types of loans that caused the financial crisis we're in today.” Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, ACORN has worked successfully to help working class families get good home loans on fair terms from legitimate banks and has fought vigorously against predatory lenders who have ripped off families in our communities. These predatory loans caused the crisis.”

“For more than a decade, ACORN members have held protests, released reports, and advocated for regulations to protect homeowners from predatory lenders. ACORN organizers and volunteers have been working day and night to help victims of the GOP economic meltdown to save their homes from foreclosure. In fact, ACORN has brought class action lawsuits against several predatory lenders, and has lobbied the Federal Reserve and Congress in support of regulations against predatory lending. ACORN has even been successful in convincing many lenders to treat homeowners more fairly and help families be able to make their mortgage payments and save their homes.”

“Unfortunately, the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans like John McCain have blocked the sensible regulations that ACORN and others proposed that would have averted the mortgage meltdown. If John McCain thinks that community organizers caused the foreclosure crisis, he knows even less about the economy than previously thought.”

”John McCain and the Republicans are desperately trying to shift the blame for the economic crisis they caused with a philosophy of deregulation and indifference to homeowners. All the grainy footage and creepy music in the world can't cancel out some simple, basic facts, and the facts about the economy are not on John McCain's side.”

"We appreciate that Senator McCain's effort to stir up the Republican base by attacking a community group that is trying to increase public participation in our democratic processes. However, these attacks reflect an increasingly panicky candidate; unfortunately the Senator McCain we saw tonight is very different than the Senator McCain who stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN at a February 20, 2006 immigration reform event.

It is clear for us to see that John McCain was for ACORN before he was against ACORN; he was for reform before he was against reform; and he was a maverick before he became erratic. What is really going here is that Senator McCain and his allies are part of a coordinated effort to engage in what appears to be an unprecedented effort to suppress voter turnout."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah Support Right To Privacy and CHOICE?

COURIC (to Palin): Do you think there's an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution?

PALIN: I do. Yeah, I do.

COURIC: the cornerstone of Roe v Wade

COURIC: Palin says she makes no apologies for her pro-life views and opposes abortion, even in the case of rape or incest.

Gov. PALIN: I'm saying that personally I would counsel that person to choose life, despite horrific, horrific circumstances that this person would find themselves in. And if you're asking, though, kind of foundationally here should anybody end up in jail for having had an abortion, absolutely not. That's nothing that I would ever support.

So, is it just me or isn't this basically saying she is pro choice?