Saturday, October 25, 2008

McCain and Taxes for the Rich

What is so flip-floppy about the Joe PLUMBER stupidness is that Sen. and "Mavorick" John McCain was against the BUSH tax cuts!

McCain was one of two Republican senators to vote against a $1.35 trillion tax cut that Bush proposed in 2001. McCain also voted against similar plans in 2003, as well as a proposed repeal of the federal estate tax.
McCain said they disproportionately benefited the wealthy.
I think he meant they spread the wealth to the wealthy to much.

Because he not only flipped but now used divisive language and fear tactics to discuss this policy disagreement.

The New Hampshire polls are a great "Mavorick Detector".
If you have never actually seen the conversation between Joe and OBAMA here it is:

Youngs Turks take on Joe the Plumber vs Sarah Palin's clothes.

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